Soccer prediction Attorney Joshua Primo: Dr. Cauthen`s allegations are either complete fabrication, or gross embellishment, or absolute fantasy
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Lawyer for former San Antonio defenseman Joshua Primo denied allegations against his client by former club psychotherapist Hillary Cauthen.
The woman claims that the player has been naked in front of her nine times since December 2021. She also accuses the club prediction by online video stream - soccerwinbet of inaction.
In an act of betrayal towards her young client, Dr. Cauthen, 40, falsely claims that Josh Primo has been naked in front of her during numerous therapy sessions.
Dr. Cauthen`s claims are either complete fiction, gross embellishment, or sheer fantasy. Josh Primo never intentionally stripped in front of her or anyone else, and didn`t even know that his private parts were visible under sweatpants.
What makes the claims even less plausible is that Dr. Cauthen never informed her patient of the alleged exposure. Dr. Cauthen provided psychological support and was Mr. Primo`s confidant, a psychotherapist Mr. Primo trusted. She is much older than Mr. Primo and has many years of experience as a sports psychologist. It is surprising why she did not bother to tell her patient that his private parts were visible under the shorts, the lawyer said in a statement.
Attorney Joshua Primo: Dr. Cauthen`s allegations are either complete fabrication, or gross embellishment, or absolute fantasy Soccer prediction - more details and information: Soccer prediction
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